Pack Quantity, Follow up with Ship To, & more Inbox enhancements
We're coming in hot with another suite of new features! Behind the scenes we're working on a brand new Budgets module, along with a revamped Spend dashboard.
Pack Quantity
The product page in our Marketplace now shows this field, unless it's been set to 1.
Ship To Addresses
We have a new setting which suppliers can enable to receive the user's Ship To addess within their Roundtrip catalogs. This allows suppliers to configure pricing based on different locations or customer accounts. In case the user doesn't have a default, we use the organization default, or keep this blank.
Invoice Inbox
We've had great uptake of our new Invoice Inbox and are working hard to make it the best it can be. This release includes Pagination instead of the "Show More Results" style along with sorting for the Assignee column.