Review and Manage Supplier Profile Updates
Keeping your supplier records up to date and accurate is increasingly important for compliance, but it's also a lot of manual work. Building on our recent supplier improvements, we now offer Communities a more effective process for reviewing and managing profile updates from suppliers. Our new review process gives you the opportunity to view and compare updates from suppliers with the information you currently hold. You can then choose to amend your records with the supplier's changes or keep the information you have. This gives you more visibility and greater control over the information, without the need to enter it yourself.
Lite Suppliers have also been aligned to Registered suppliers so that all the same information such as a bank account can also be managed directly on a lite supplier.
But I still need to update my finance system...
The good news is that we will soon be adding a new automated supplier extract so you can push supplier profile updates directly into your finance system. Simply review the changes and once updated the new profile data can automatically flow into your finance system without further review or manual entry.
If you would like the supplier review process enabled, or to try it out in Demo, please contact your account manager.